XBullion Update
Xbullion Holdings has ceased providing any virtual asset service
xbullion is a new age gold product. It has been developed to bring technological innovation to a legacy industry. Applying the benefits of blockchain technology to bring transparency, efficiency and accessibility to the gold market. This is achieved by working with world class suppliers to build an institutional grade gold storage and liquidity solution.
Every xbullion token is backed by 1 gram of physical gold that is insured, secured, stored safely in a vault and independently audited to give piece of mind to token holders. xbullion’s approach is to build trust through transparency – transparency in quality, supply, assets under management, transactions, control processes, insurance and custodians. xbullion has brought on a world-renowned auditing firm BDO to conduct financial, asset and smart contract auditing, which will be made available.
xbullion manages ownership rights on the Ethereum blockchain. This secure, decentralised, smart contract network brings many unheard-of benefits to the gold market. Benefits include; global accessibility, fractional ownership and trading, transparency, an immutable database of transactions, all managed on one of the most secure systems in the world.
xbullion was built from the beginning to meet compliance and regulatory standards set by institutional clients. This separates xbullion from its competitors as others are focusing on creating stable coins backed by gold, while xbullion’s focus is on creating a superior, institutional grade gold product. As the digital space matures, we expect an increase in interest from institutional investors.
xbullion tokens can be sent around the world and redeemed for physical gold. The token holder gains all the benefits of physical gold without having to bare the costs and stresses associated with holding it. xbullion offers token holders more functionality around holding gold and this is available to anyone who has internet access.
“xbullion’s solution is a generational leap in the gold market. Gold can now be sent securely as easily as sending an email.” says David Lightfoot, CEO of xbullion.
It is an exciting new development in a 5000-year-old industry and an important evolution allowing access to gold for everyone. xbullion will open many new doors in the traditional gold market and be more accessible to those who previously could not invest in gold.
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